To+Too+Two = The Road to Absolute Confusion!

Yes folks, even though our maths master at Jarrow Grammar School (one George Adie) could really make 1 and 1 add up to 3; the "sum" above is an utter nonsense! Nevertheless, the sentiment is quite true, in my opinion. Misspelling is turning the world upside down. I'm growing slowly madder each day, as I keep reading the Egypt forums on the Internet! Never mind, you don't want to know about that, do you Dear Reader?

The Conservative and Unionist Party of Great Britain has a member named David Willetts. Legend has it that he is known as David "Two Brains" or "Two Brains" Willetts, simply because he's soooooo clever! When I was a small boy (yes, yes, before I became a small man, OK!) I had a hero called Billy Two Rivers! He was a professional wrestler, on the telly. Looking back; he was an overweight joke with his Mohican haircut and flabby belly, but I have an autographed photo of him somewhere, unless Freda has chucked it out! (This is leading somewhere, honest Guv!) When we first moved into our last but one home, in England; I was known for a very short time as "Edward Two Sheds", I was even presented with a book all about sheds to celebrate my newfound status! But, for the moment, we'll leave the saga of "Two" and I'll tell you about our changing weather etc.

The lefthand pic was taken yesterday in the afternoon, and the righthand one; today, at about the same time.

We don't know where we are with the weather, it's been brilliant sunshine for most of the day, but with a quite strong, blustery wind, and it's also been raining off and on for the past two hours. See the rain spots in the dust? 

We're contemplating getting the winter gear back out of the storage bags if it gets much colder! 

Last night, we met up with our friends Phil and Alison, at the Nile Palace.The hotel happened to be hosting some sort of conference thingy, about getting the tourists back to Luxor. I only know because one of the blokes in charge (Hamdi, whom I've known in passing for a few years) told me so. As you can imagine; with a foyer full of Egyptians, you couldn't hear yourself think! Phil and Aly are here for 9 days, and we expect to see them a couple more times, insh'Allah! But what I wanted to show you, was the Nile Palace Pantomime Horse! It's the best one I've ever seen, and I finally got a reasonable picture of it:

Anyway, back to mundane reality! Springtime means spring cleaning at "Our Luxor".Vacuuming in every nook and cranny, cleaning everything with bleach and finishing off with clean water before applying the anti-Creepy Crawly stuff. My back is just about broken, I can tell you! Never mind, I had left half of our livingroom to finish off the following day, and when I got started, there was the most horrible smell coming from the Karcher vacuum, it didn't really smell like an electric motor burning out, but what do I know? I took it down to the electrical repair man and pointed to my nose while making a bad face, he immediately made it plain that a bad smell meant the the motor was gooshed!

I eventually got them to plug it in, and sniff the smell while it was running.(That reminds me; isn't next Monday the "Sniffing of the Breeze"?) To my surprise, I could hardly smell it myself, and them: not at all! I was sent packing with a proverbial "flea in my ear". When I got home, I picked up the vacuum filter which I had taken out earlier; it stunk to high heaven! "It must be the contents of the bag", was my next thought, so I had a sniff of that, and sure enough: Yuuuuk! This was rather strange, as I had only cleaned the bag out the other day. 

Never mind, I emptied it again, very little came out and the bag felt stiff, somehow. I realised why when I had a proper look inside, it had been wet, and the inside was caked with this foul smelling mud! A job for our big Kirby Legend. 

I turned the bag completely inside out, and used the Kirby hose end to scrape away at the mud and vacuum it up at the same time. It took quite a while. The next one is just to show you how thick the mud was.

I've no idea where the moisture came from, but the bag was well stained from it, or why it smelled so bad. Afterwards, I took the disposable bag out of the Kirby (I had to put a new one in anyway, to vacuum the guest mattresses before Freda's "German Boys" arrive in a day or two) and was surprised to see a small hole in it! Of course that meant that there was muck in the outer bag, as well!

You know what's coming next! That's right, I had to get the Karcher put back together in order to use it to clean out the Kirby outer bag. Aren't I pleased to now be called "Edward Two Vacuums"?

Another reason that I need both machines is to keep the Karcher filter clean. I've had the two filters for five years; I just vacuum each of the 90 folds of filter paper, once on each side, every now and then with the Kirby.

So it's actually worth its weight in gold, even though I find that the Karcher is more convenient for use on the tiled floors and stairs. 

Now then, if you think that that was the most boring post ever, send £200 immediately, and I'll delete it! Can't say fairer than that, can I? Tomorrow's another full day of cleaning, I'm afraid, so I'd better make my last cup of tea and get to bed.Goodnight and God bless.  

1 comment:

  1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......whoops sorry I fell asleep reading that! Ha Ha love your days.
