There's a Series 1 Land Rover tee shirt (a genuine 'Land Rover' one), a two hour DvD of my favourite singers (The Watersons), a £20 note (which I was only allowed to look at, before it disappeared into the 'holiday fund'!), a large box of 'Walkers' shortbreads (from our German guests, they'll be gone by tomorrow, the shortbreads, that is!), and something which isn't visible; an audio of Springwell chapel choir singing 'All in the April Evening' (which I happily sang along to; it's funny how you don't forget!). Cards were from Mam, brother and sister and brother-in-law, children and grandchildren. All in all, very satisfying. I was also surprised to find several birthday greetings on Virtual Tourist (from virtual strangers lol) where I occasionally contribute to the Egypt forums.
Anyway, enough of that, how about this:

After yesterday's sandstorms, this is what everything is like at 'Our Luxor'. Freda lifted the scatter cushions from the small dikkeh to reveal their footprints in the sand! After I vacuumed them, off they came and they're now in the Zanussi! Today is guest apartment cleaning day. (I keep getting daggers, as I'm sat here typing!)
I'd better leave this and get cracking, their bed is stripped, but everywhere is to vacuum and mop, and seeing as they had to have their breakfast indoors this morning, I told them to leave the dirty dishes for me to wash.
See you later, alligator!
Happy Birthday Edward! Hope you had a thoroughly lovely day.It looks like you've been spoilt. In the Zanussi? I think you must have been reading my blog lol