Being an efficient and reliable wife, the Boss had the spare batteries put away in a safe place, plus she knew where the safe place was, and “Yes” they were there. More to the point, there were 4 of them as Boots had had a special offer of buy 4 and get 2 free. What more could a man want?
Being the man of the house, and a bit of an engineer in my time, I would change the batteries over before we went out to take the pictures I needed. I did, and placed the used ones in the bin bag, which was ready to go downstairs into the skip.
When we arrived at the place, out came the camera. I am a bit like David Bailey on a good day, but today wasn’t going to be that day, the camera was still working itself. I suppose I was lucky that I didn’t have my trusty engineers hammer with me, or I would have been an expensive camera down!
After clarting on with the stupid thing, I realised that the “Low Battery” sign was on again. OK, so you've already guessed what I’d done, Clever Dick! Yes, I’d put the old batteries back in the camera and the new ones in the skip, as Freda said, “They were probably the free ones, anyway, Dear”.
Sanity eventually prevailed and I now have the pictures which I wanted to show you.
You know how I just LOVE a cup of tea, well how about this………..

Click on the picture if you need it bigger.
Actually, it isn't a real teapot, HaHa. It is meant for the English Tearoom near the St Joseph Hotel, as a hanging sign. We are often to be found in there during the early part of the evening. It's a lovely clean place and it's run by a charming Geordie girl from South Shields (so a Sand-dancer, really) who makes her own scones, cheesecakes etc. and they are lovely!
Obviously, I had to don my carpenter's hat for this task. Working away with my tape measure and jig saw, I felt like Bob the Builder. "Can we fix it? YES WE CAN!" I knew that the large stainless tray would come in useful for something other than spilling things from. And so it did, marked around in three positions; it lent itself to become the body of the teapot, with a cereal bowl to outline the knob on the lid and a bit of my famous free-hand artistry for the spout and handle, the job was complete in no time. (Three evenings and a morning actually, but who's counting?)
Christine, the Tearoom owner, did the actual lettering, and we drilled and things (engineers hat again) and finally got it up outside the shop, what do you think?

If you want to view the pictures bigger; just click on them.
That's the Teapot Saga. Next big job is a screen for the roof terrace, so watch this space!!!!!
I took some pics of the inside of Tutti Frutti, just so that you can see what it's like. I like the black and white decor, it reminds me of a lifetime ago, on the terraces at the Leazes End. Yelling for Alan Suddick, or Albert "Arkle" Bennett and no-one getting beaten senseless, unless thay were one of the players, that is! lol.

Click on them to make them bigger.
That must have been 40 years ago, doesn't time fly? About 15 or 20 years ago we got a man out to unblock the drain in our back yard. I thought I recognised him, but couldn't immediately recall from where. Then in clicked ; he was the peanut man from St James' Park. "Peanuts; a tanner a bag". Small world!!!
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