Of course, it "wouldn't be a show without Punch" would it! I just happened to call whilst they were having some sort of electrical problem, which meant that the lifts weren't working. However, this was not going to stop your intrepid reporter. I don't mind risking a heart attack for my public!!!!! (Just joking, Mam, don't worry)
140 steps later, and I was thinking rather differently, I can tell you. Never mind, the view from the Emilio rooftop acted like a defibrilator, and perked me up no end!
I hope you all like it as much as I.
The first one shows Hatshepsut's Funerary Temple.

This next one is a replacement for the "old" Mountain Lights picture which so many people thanked me for.

This last one is an amalgam of the two.

As usual you can click to enlarge them, and click again to magnify. Have fun.
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