It's not WHAT you know, but WHO you know!
We received an invite to a "bit-of-a-do" at the Winter Palace tonight! It was a celebration for the opening of the new "Central Park Bar" in the garden at the rear of the hotel. Very nice too, and quite posh!

All the great and the good of Luxor were there. Oh, sorry if you didn't get an invitation, there was no room for the hoi-polloi don'cha know? We were treat to a small feast delivered by a flock of waiters. Little Ahmed (whom we met on his first day of training, in the New Winter Palace a good few years back) was doing his usual gliding across the floor as if he was on wheels bit. He still looks 12 years old, though! We had kebabs, Daoud Basha (sort of meat balls), kofta and a range of little savoury bites and dips, such as smoked salmon, several different pates on toast and different cheesey tasters with melon and grapes. For drinks we had a choice of soft drinks and cocktails, plus (of course) some "English" tea. We got there a bit late due to the usual (Egyptian-time) time-keeping of one of our party, or else the pics would have been taken before it was really dark. Sorry, but you all know how useless I am!!!

Feeling quite put out I am! No invite!!